MS 150 - Dallas to Fort Worth
Each time I complete the MS 150 I'm surprised that I actually finished it. The "150" stands for 150 miles in a two day ride. I think my mind plays games by having me forget, each year, how challenging it was the last time. But, I was blessed to be able to complete it again.
The route, this year was new and really really different. The web maps
The finish line, in downtown Fort Worth, was probably the most fun of all. They had a big Finish Line canopy set up - barricades on both sides with lots of people watching and cheering. I felt like I was finishing the Tour de France. My wife, Marilyn, was there and got my picture. This was the first time she has seen me finish one of these things.
Exciting Uniqueness: There was another aspect of this year's MS 150 that made it unique. A couple of weeks before the ride, we were having dinner with my brother, Mark, and his wife, Carla. The subject of the upcoming ride came up and I suggested to Mark that he ride Marilyn's recumbent and join me. To my surprise, he gave it some serious thought. Mark is a trekker, but hasn't ever been a bikker. A couple of days later he told he he'd decided to ride - next year. So, I'm already excited about next year's MS 150. Also, Mark and Carla live in Allen, which is near the Start Line in Plano. So, Marilyn and I went to their house on Friday night before the ride and spent the night there. Mark took me to the Start Line early Saturday morning. Then, Saturday afternoon he drove to the Speedway and stayed overnight with me in my tent. We had a great visit. A brother/brother bonding time like we haven't had in many many years. It was good to spend time with Mark. It was also good to have someone with whom to share the MS 150 experience. Next year we may even got some enroute pictures to share.